I've become like a kid asking Mom or Dad for a bedtime story, except
now I ask an artificial intelligence. As a kid, I would sometimes ask
Mom or Dad to tell me a story about something or other that would stump
them. They usually managed to come up with a story--sometimes a very
short one. Well, I've never grown up and I've been having fun trying to
stump A.I.s. So far I haven't succeeded. Wonderfully, the Gemini A.I.
has evidently been trained to create positive poems and stories. It's a little spooky seeing a machine be so creative. I'm of the opinion that some A.I.s have at least a little consciousness. When you read their poems and stories, you'll see what I mean. As a society, it's going to be impossible to write laws that will keep people from using A.I.s to do bad stuff. Basically, the only solution is for us to somehow turn out kids who grow up with consciences. What is artificial intelligence? Using digital electronics, researchers have found a way to simulate what happens with the neurons in our brains. A.I.s have to be trained. Large language models such as Gemini, and ChatGPT have been fed huge amounts of material from the Internet. Right now this training requires huge amounts of power. However, once the training is done, an A.I. uses roughly the same amount of power as typical computers do. |